
Since Inception, we respond to a mental health crisis.

Our mental health and well-being have a significant influence on our overall quality of life. It is as vital as our physical health and well-being, but individuals are often more hesitant to discuss and seek assistance for mental health issues.


To provide and improve access to health by transforming the field of mental and emotional health in our communities through education, support, rehabilitation, advocacy and empowerment.


We envision a world that Promotes Mental Health and Wellness in our community through education, rehabilitation, Support, Advocacy, empowerment, and sensitization Outreaches.

Our Goal

To Run a Rehabilitation Center that empowers the young population in our communities to become a “shame-free” and “stigma-free” generation when approaching mental health and wellness issues

Our Six Key Programs

We aim to achieve this through our core group of programs.
Psychosocial Support

Our team is committed to mental health promotion, as well as the prevention and early intervention of mental health difficulties and mental illnesses with special focus on children, adolescents and women.

Behavioral Crisis & Mental Health Services

We provide treatment and rehabilitation services to alcohol and drug addicts at the Behavioral Crisis and Mental Health Services Center with the goal of transforming them into responsible individuals capable of supporting their families.

Research , Advocacy & Public Policy

ACTS Rehabilitation Center also forms strategic alliances with other civil society organizations and institutions with similar goals. It also engages in advocacy at various levels of decision-making.

Networking & Partnership Development

Over the last eight years, ACTS FUND has established linkages with many organizations, networks and alliances either through collaborative work or in other capacities. Some of these are Ministry of Education & Health & many others.

Mental Health Ambassador

We are working to develop the capacity of those who have lived with mental illness to take on leadership roles, represent the voice of lived experience in Uganda, advocate for mental health system change, and combat stigma.

Education , Outreach Awareness& Support

ACTS Rehabilitation Center works with communities to improve their understanding of mental health and mental health disorders while taking into account misconceptions, cultural and religious beliefs and stigma.

Guiding Principles

These principles help us make important decisions about everything from programs to campaigns, to events, to staffing.

This crisis touches every town, city, and village.

Uganda has about 53 psychiatrists serving a population of about 44 million people, with an estimate of 14 million believed to be mentally unwell.
I had no idea what else to do or who to speak to. So, when I contacted the Village Health Team representative and explained my situation, she took out her phone and rang. When someone from ACTS FUND answered and spoke to me, it immediately made me feel as though others cared about me and that I wasn't alone.

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